Building Energy Boot Camp 2018 - Day 12

Today we worked on creating our final presentations for day 13. I finished mine, and have embedded it below. Once I finished making my presentation, I started working on an optional programming challenge that Mr. Navkal had given to us earlier. The main difficulty is the filtering, but I think I found a good way to store days that should be excluded, and now just need to finish my system of excluding them. You can see my code beneath the slide show.

import pandas as pd
import os

PART_1_PATH_2016 = os.path.join('CSVs', 'AHS201617Part1.csv')
PART_2_PATH_2016 = os.path.join('CSVs', 'AHS201617Part2.csv')

PART_1_PATH_2017 = os.path.join('CSVs', 'AHS201718Part1.csv')
PART_2_PATH_2017 = os.path.join('CSVs', 'AHS201718Part2.csv')

paths = [PART_1_PATH_2016, PART_2_PATH_2016, PART_1_PATH_2017, PART_2_PATH_2017]
first_last_days = [[[(8, 31), (12, 31)]], [[(1, 1), (6, 16)]], [[(9, 7), (12, 31)]], [[(1, 1), (6, 29)]]]
days_off = [[(9, 5), (10, 3), (10, 10), (10, 11), (10, 12), (11, 8), (11, 11), (11, 24), (11, 25)],
            [(1, 2), (1, 16), (4, 17), (5, 29)],
            [(9, 21), (10, 9), (11, 9), (11, 10), (11, 23), (11, 24)],
            [(1, 1), (1, 15), (5, 28)]]
vacation_day_ranges = [[[(12, 26), (12, 30)]],
                       [[(2, 20), (2, 24)], [(4, 17), (4, 21)]],
                       [[(12, 25), (12, 29)]],
                       [[(2, 19), (2, 23)], [(4, 16), (4, 20)]]]
snow_days = [[], [],
             [(10, 30), (10, 31), (11, 1)],
             [(1, 4), (1, 5), (1, 17), (3, 8), (3, 9), (3, 13), (3, 14)]]
saturdays = [[], [], [],
             [(4, 28), (5, 12)]]

def read_csv(file_path):
    return pd.read_csv(file_path, skipfooter=3, engine='python')

def date_in_list(df, list, index):
    bools = []
    for date in df['Unnamed: 0']:
        bools.append((date.month, in list[index])

    return pd.Series(bools)

def date_in_list_range(df, list, index):
    bools = []
    for date in df['Unnamed: 0']:
        for range in list[index]:
            bools.append(range[0] <= (date.month, <= range[1])

    return pd.Series(bools)

df_sum = 0
filtered_sum = 0
for index, path in enumerate(paths):
    df = read_csv(path)
    df['Unnamed: 0'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Unnamed: 0'], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', utc=False)

    saturday = date_in_list(df, saturdays, index)

    # When school is not in session:
    weekend = df['Unnamed: 0'].dt.weekday >= 5 & ~saturday
    vacation = date_in_list_range(df, vacation_day_ranges, index)
    day_off = date_in_list(df, days_off, index)
    snow_day = date_in_list(df, snow_days, index)

    weekday = df['Unnamed: 0'].dt.weekday < 5 | saturday
    after_10 = df['Unnamed: 0'].dt.hour >= 22
    before_4 = df['Unnamed: 0'].dt.hour < 4

    bools = []
    for date in df['Unnamed: 0']:
        bools.append(date.hour == 4 and date.minute == 0)

    is_4_sharp = pd.Series(bools)

    school_night = weekday & (after_10 | before_4 | is_4_sharp)

    between_first_last_day = date_in_list_range(df, first_last_days, index)

    df_sum += round(df.sum().sum(), 2)
    df = df[between_first_last_day & (weekend | vacation | day_off | snow_day | school_night)]
    filtered_sum += round(df.sum().sum(), 2)

other_part = df_sum - filtered_sum

print(str(round(other_part / filtered_sum, 3)) + '%')